Get notified instantly when your vendors breach their SLAs

Make your vendors deliver the quality of service they agreed to. Get credits and refunds when SLAs are broken.

How many times were your SLAs breached last month?
You probably say 'zero', but do you know for sure?

According to the SaaS uptime study 22.83% providers didn’t meet the SLA standard of 99.9%. At the same time only 25% of companies offer credits or refunds to customers for missing their SLAs (source: SaaS DevOps teams survey).

How can StatusGator hold your vendors accountable?

We collect, process and enrich data from 1000+ status pages
We compare the outage data with your SLA metrics
We send you an instant notification if any of your metrics are exceeded

How Do I Get Started?

  1. Select your cloud provider from our list of almost a thousand.
  2. Choose the services, components, or regions that you subscribe to.
  3. Add SLA metrics manually or from our templates.
  4. Receive a notification immediately when the SLAs are breached.

Get Started with SLA Monitor by StatusGator Today!

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