
Private Status Page 101. Best Tools, Providers, and Cost


What Is a Private Status Page? A private status page is a website or communication platform that provides status updates and notifications to a specific group of people rather than the general public. Private status pages are often used by companies to keep their employees, users, or partners informed about the status of their products, services, infrastructure, vendors, and providers. Public...

[2022] Best Software Deals and Discounts for Schools and Educational Organizations

Intro Since the pandemic struck, education has moved even further online. Many schools are now actively transforming their programs to ensure uninterrupted remote education of high quality. This means device deployments have commonly grown to 1-to-1 — every student now has a laptop. At the same time, budget constraints don’t allow buying subscription plans for all the software schools and...

The State of EdTech 2021: Education Software Usage Analyzed

Top tools for education

Today we will share our list of the most popular software tools used by educational institutions. Why is this important? If you are managing technology in education you need to make the best choice from among many available tools. Discovering the most popular tools used by other education professionals can help you make an informed choice. After reading the report you’ll know which tools are...