Post-Mortem: Microsoft Teams Monitoring Issue September 2023


At StatusGator, we understand the critical importance of providing reliable monitoring services to our valued customers. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the recent issue affecting the monitoring of Microsoft Teams, which occurred from September 27, 2023, at 04:56 UTC to September 28, 2023, at 11:11 UTC. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we addressed this incident and share our findings and actions taken to prevent future occurrences.

Issue Identification and Resolution

Our journey began when customers started reporting repeated notifications for Microsoft Teams on the afternoon of September 27, 2023. We immediately initiated a thorough investigation to pinpoint the root cause.

After careful analysis, we traced the problem back to a code release on the evening of September 26, 2023. Specifically, the issue stemmed from a bug in the notification process, where the current status was not being properly compared to the previous status. Importantly, this issue exclusively affected Microsoft services, and more specifically, only Microsoft Teams. Furthermore, it only affected customers who were monitoring Microsoft Teams using the public cloud status, rather than their own tokens using Private Status Ingestion.

Our engineering worked to identify and isolate the issue and within hours, they successfully identified and rectified the issue. As part of the bug fix, we bolstered our defenses by implementing additional code to prevent the recurrence of this issue. Additionally, we established a proactive monitoring system to promptly alert us should a similar issue arise in the future with other services.

Data Cleanup

We understand the importance of accurate historical data for our users. To ensure your experience remains seamless, we conducted a thorough cleanup of our historical data. This cleanup process guarantees that your records accurately reflect the status updates without any traces of the repeated notifications during the incident.


In closing, we extend our heartfelt apologies to all our customers who were affected by the Microsoft Teams monitoring issue between September 27 and 28, 2023. At StatusGator, we are committed to delivering reliable and top-notch services, and we take incidents like this one very seriously. We have learned from this experience and are dedicated to improving our systems continuously.

Please rest assured that we are here to support you, and we remain vigilant in ensuring the highest level of service quality. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. Thank you for your ongoing support and trust in StatusGator.