Status page: Links

New Status page update is here! Now you can enhance your status pages by adding custom links, providing more information and resources right where your audience needs them. Here’s what you can do with this new feature:

Link your logo to your website

Make your status page a seamless part of your brand’s online presence. Now you can link your status page logo and title to your website, ensuring visitors can easily navigate to your main site for more information. Your website link will be also displayed in the footer of the page.

Add a support link to the footer

Improve your customer support experience by adding a direct link to your support page in the footer of your status page. Whether it’s a link to your help center, a contact form, or a live chat, now you can make sure users can quickly find the assistance they need.

Need include more links? You can!

Stay connected with your audience by adding more links, such as to your social media profiles like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or any other platform. Now you can provide quick access to any important resources directly from your status page.

Have any questions or product requests? Feel free to reach out to us at We’re here to help!