70 Facts and Stats on AWS in 2024

AWS facts and stats

Amazon Web Services is one of the most popular services that StatusGator users subscribe to so they can be among the first to learn if AWS or any of its components or regions experience downtime. Previously, we already explored the least reliable AWS Region, and we continue to explore the most popular cloud computing platform. Here are facts on Amazon Web Services as of 2024 split into categories...

25 Best Status Page Examples Showcasing Top Communication Practices

Best status page examples

Status pages are a transparent and effective way to inform users of any downtime or incidents disrupting the company’s service. Without a status page, users are left in the dark, and support tickets pile up, affecting your relationship with them and their trust.  That’s why having a status page is essential for a business in 2024. By showing your current status and incident history or previous...

Is Northern Virginia Really the Least Reliable AWS Region And Why?

Northern Virginia Reliability

AWS users usually assume that Northern Virginia, also referred to as US East (N. Virginia) and us-east-1, is the least reliable in terms of uptime. We analyzed AWS outage history in 2022 across regions to see if N. Virginia, indeed, had the most downtime. Then we reviewed and proved some of the theories as to why N. Virginia has the most outages. The Data Behind the Study We used our product...