AuthorColin Bartlett

Colin Bartlett is co-founder of Nimble Industries, creators of StatusGator and Washtub. He has been building web applications, managing software development projects, and leading engineering teams for 22 years.

K-12 Status Pages – How to Reduce Ticket Burden for K-12 Schools

In 2024, the average K-12 school or educational institution relies on many cloud providers, hosted services, and websites. Quite often, the services these K-12 schools rely on exceed over 40 different platforms – from communication tools like Zoom to learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas or Blackboard. With this many services, the ticket burden on K-12 system admins and IT teams can be...

5 Cloud Outages Tracker Tools To Monitor Vendors in 2024

cloud outage tracker StatusGator

Whether you’re a business owner, a tech enthusiast, or simply a user who relies on cloud services for daily tasks, the cloud outage tracker can be a useful tool. It informs you of downtime, degraded performance, and maintenance of services that modern businesses rely on. Here’s the list of cloud outage tracker tools that can help you prepare for and mitigate the effects of inevitable...

StatusGator Alternatives in 2024

statusGator alternatives in 2024

In this realm of cloud and SaaS service uptime, StatusGator offers unparalleled monitoring of nearly 3,000 services. This article delves into the alternatives to StatusGator in 2024, but first, let’s understand what sets StatusGator apart. Unlike typical status page aggregators, StatusGator offers advanced status aggregation with unique capabilities. StatusGator collects the status of...

Better Iframe customization

We’ve incorporated new features such as full and compact layout options, customizable sizing, control over borders and optional tooltip display.

Additionally, now you now have the convenience of copying the Iframe URL itself which allows easy pasting into a website CMS.

Private status ingestion improvements

We’re thrilled to announce significant enhancements to private status ingestion! As a reminder, our Private Status Ingestion feature allows you to display the status of your own Microsoft 365 and Zendesk infrastructure (among others) instead of the public cloud status. Now, your tokens will be validated upon and entry. And what’s even better? No more hassle of re-entering tokens for...

December product updates

With the holiday season just around the corner, we’re sending one final update with a host of improvements to StatusGator. Give these updates a spin in the New Year or if you have a moment now before the holidays, read on and see what’s new in StatusGator in December: More granularity in Adobe monitoring The generic Adobe service has been split to allow more precise monitoring. Now...

20 Best Cloud Monitoring Tools

When it comes to the best cloud monitoring tools, there are various services you can rely on or choose to support your IT infrastructure. After all, cloud monitoring is critical to ensure the performance, uptime, and overall health of cloud services.  Numerous teams in modern IT, SaaS, and app development companies, including DevOps, SREs, and security analysts depend on cloud monitoring...

Request New Integrations

Now, you can request access to upcoming integrations like: Zoom Team ChatWebexDynatraceZendeskFreshdeskZapierIncidentIQOne to One PlusFMX We’re actively prioritizing your requests to swiftly provide solutions that meet your needs. If you’re interested in any of the listed integrations, submit your request on integration page and we’ll reach out to you when it’s available...

Detailed integration logging is now available!

Our latest update introduces detailed integration logging, offering even more visibility: effortlessly debug integrations, proactively monitor performance, and more. Integration logging includes the full request and response so you can dig in and debug. In addition, you will now get notified if your integration fails 5 times in a row. When this happens, you’ll receive an email notification...

Enhanced Website Monitoring Experience

StatusGator website monitors now allow various HTTP methods and request headers! This customization allows for precise monitoring of websites. With the inclusion of POST, PUT, and PATCH methods, you can directly update and modify website content from our platform. Whether you’re adding new items or making changes, the process is now simpler than ever, thanks to the support for request body...