Tagk12 status page

Top 10 Reasons Why Every K-12 School Needs StatusGator

StatusGator for K12 school districts

K12 school districts often depend on 40+ services to deliver education and run operations since their usage of ed tech increased by 99% during the past 4 years. Managing K12 software and services can be challenging due to the limited human resources and budget that the school IT teams typically have.  As a result, many tools and services are designed to help K-12 schools manage their digital...

The Best 40+ Resources, Tools, Websites, Forums, and Communities for K-12 System Administrators

Specialized resources for K-12 sysadmins can provide targeted solutions and insights tailored to the unique challenges of educational IT environments. These resources, ranging from K-12 forums and blogs to specific management tools, offer knowledge on best practices, emerging technologies, and troubleshooting strategies directly applicable to schools. Firstly, there are software and platforms...

K-12 Status Pages – How to Reduce Ticket Burden for K-12 Schools

In 2024, the average K-12 school or educational institution relies on many cloud providers, hosted services, and websites. Quite often, the services these K-12 schools rely on exceed over 40 different platforms – from communication tools like Zoom to learning management systems (LMS) such as Canvas or Blackboard. With this many services, the ticket burden on K-12 system admins and IT teams can be...