
Most Popular Status Page Providers Used by Top SaaS Vendors

most popular status page providers 2023 StatusGator

Updated on April 26, 2024 For SaaS companies and cloud vendors, a status page isn’t just a tool — it’s a testament to their commitment to users. But with numerous status page providers in the market, which ones are the top SaaS companies gravitating towards? It comes as no surprise that the most popular status page provider in 2024 is Statuspage.io offered by Atlassian. We expected it...

7 UptimeRobot Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

UptimeRobot alternatives

What is Uptime Robot?  Uptime Robot demo status page Uptime Robot offers a basic status page with its free plan. Starting from $8 to $64 monthly, UptimeRobot users can access more status page features. The full scope of functionality by Uptime Robot includes: a custom domain and white-labelpassword-protectionstatus page subscriptionsexcluding the status page from indexing. This basic status...

7 Status.io Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

7 alternatives to Status io

What is Status.io? Status.io demo status page Status.io is a platform that provides hosted system status pages. The infrastructure of this provider is run by numerous systems distributed across different locations enhancing the availability of their product – status page. The company stands out among other Status.io alternatives due to enabling users of complete control over their complex...

7 Instatus Alternatives for Better Incident Communication


What is Instatus? Instatus website With over 19,000 users at the moment, Instatus is one of the most accessible status page providers today. It offers: a free status page planunlimited subscribersa status widget for your websiteand integration with incident management tools like Checkly to automate your public status page. Instatus is also one of the cheapest status page providers. However, if...

7 Cachet Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

Cachet alternatives

What is Cachet? Cachet demo status page Cachet is an open-source status page system that offers individuals and businesses to monitor basic uptime metrics. At the time of writing, Cachet already has over 185 contributors who have worked on 54 releases of the product. Cachet has an intuitive, Bootstrap-based user interface that powers responsive design for desktop and mobile devices. This status...

7 Upptime Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

Upptime alternatives

What is Upptime?  Upptime demo status page Upptime is an uptime monitoring tool and status page provider. It’s open source and is powered entirely by GitHub. Upptime enables users to schedule workflows to run automatically in pre-set time intervals using GitHub Actions. Upptime checks your website every 5 minutes, and your website status data is reflected on the appropriate status page...

7 Better Uptime Alternatives for Incident Communication


What is Better Uptime? Better Uptime demo status page Better Uptime is a commonly used status page provider that’s also popular for monitoring uptime. However, unlike most other status page providers, Better Uptime combines incident management, uptime monitoring, and status pages into a single product (depending on your plan). Better Uptime offers a free, fully-customizable status page...

7 Statuspage Alternatives for Better Incident Communication

Statuspage alternative StatusGator

What is Statuspage.io? Statuspage is a popular status page provider used by thousands of teams to communicate the status of their services. Atlassian acquired Statuspage, a Y-Combinator-backed service, in 2016 and invested significantly in expanding status page features to stand out among Statuspage alternatives.  Overall, Statuspage is a well-established status page software, but it comes...

Private Status Page 101. Best Tools, Providers, and Cost


What Is a Private Status Page? A private status page is a website or communication platform that provides status updates and notifications to a specific group of people rather than the general public. Private status pages are often used by companies to keep their employees, users, or partners informed about the status of their products, services, infrastructure, vendors, and providers. Public...