Public Dashboards Are Now Status Pages

One year ago we launched what would become our most popular feature yet: a page you could publish with your name and logo that aggregated the status of all of your cloud vendors. We called it a “public dashboard” because it did not require a StatusGator account to view, and it published your StatusGator dashboard for your entire team.

We’ve now renamed this feature a “status page” and made it even more accessible inside of StatusGator. Why the change? Read on:

Aggregated status page showing the status of multiple vendors at once.
Aggregated status page showing vendor statuses.

Born from your feedback

When we first conceived of the idea it was based on customer feedback: Notifications about cloud outages were useful but StatusGator’s aggregated status dashboard showing all your dependent services in one place was even more valuable. And being able to share that page with the rest of your team or staff would extend its usefulness, you told us.

Our basic implementation was well-received. In numerous conversations with you, we often heard the word “status page” for this feature. Over and over again, you referred to these pages as status pages, even though they are quite different from the status pages offered by major providers.

Every Cloud Vendor's Status in One Place

A different kind of status page

Many providers offer status pages. Atlassian Statuspage is perhaps the most well-known. StatusHub offers a robust enterprise product. is long long-standing and widely-used offering. And many upstart providers like Instatus offer a modern take. But all of these tools are built around a major use case: They are used to communicate your product’s status to the world.

StatusGator status pages, on the other hand, do the opposite: They communicate the world’s status with you and your team. StatusGator is a status aggregator: we collect the status of all your cloud services and present it on an easy-to-use page. You can share this page with your employees, your IT staff, your helpdesk support base, or anyone else.

Along with this change in name comes an easier to use, and easier to find, user interface. At the top of StatusGator, you’ll see a link called Status Page which lets you instantly deploy or edit your page at any time. The new experience makes it easier to choose a template and update your status page preferences:

We’d love to hear what you think about StatusGator aggregated status pages! Please reach out to us.

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