The #1 Status Page Aggregator

The #1 Status Page Aggregator

StatusGator is the world's most advanced status aggregation platform. We collect the status of almost 3,000 services from their official, published, status pages. Our platform handles the hard work of scraping or subscribing to APIs from each of the services you depend on, gathers the status into a single unified system, and lets you use that data in your systems and processes.

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Save Time and Money

Save Time and Money

If you’ve ever tried to aggregate status pages, you know the challenges: dozens of different formats, some with APIs, some without APIs, and pages that change formats regularly. Stop dealing with the hassle of scraping status pages and rely on StatusGator instead. Leave your team to more important work, and let our status page experts handle the heavy lifting for you.

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Status Page Problems: Solved!

Status Page Problems: Solved!

Some status page have the capability to subscribe to updates, receive notifications, or integrate with other platforms. But you’ll quickly find that many status pages do not have these features. Or their limited integrations or lack of filtering capabilities mean you’ll need a hodge-podge of no-code tools to make them work with your systems. StatusGator solves all that, giving you a single unified interface to status page data.

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An API For Status Data

An API For Status Data

StatusGator’s REST API allows you to query for the status of your services. You can get official status data from any status page from a single unified API. No need to develop API connections with 20 or 30 different providers, StatusGator abstracts all that complexity away and gives you one API for all your custom integration needs. Use webhooks for instant notification when any service you depend on goes down.

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The Integrated Status Data Platform

StatusGator is a status aggregation platform that works with the tools you already use. It notifies you in the places your team already collaborates and embeds in the systems your team utilizes. Extract, connect, and integrate status data using webhooks and our public API.

Email logo Email
SMS logo SMS
Slack logo Slack
Discord logo Discord
Webex logo Webex
Microsoft Teams logo Microsoft Teams
Google Chat logo Google Chat
StatusHub logo StatusHub
Atlassian Statuspage logo Atlassian Statuspage
Better Uptime logo Better Uptime
Pager Duty logo Pager Duty
Firehydrant logo Firehydrant
OpsGenie logo OpsGenie
Freshdesk logo Freshdesk
Freshservice logo Freshservice
Zendesk logo Zendesk
Webhook logo Webhook

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find your question? Email us to arrange a time to discuss. We’d love to chat!