Your Status Page is Awesome!

That’s right. You’ve nailed it. Your status page rocks. You’re doing all the things right, and so your status page is awesome. Here is why:

It is Accessible

Your status page is available to the public. Search engines crawl and index your status page. It’s easy to find. When there are problems with your service, your users don’t need to go searching through emails to find your status page. They don’t need to remember a username and password. They can quickly and easily access the information they need about the status of your service. This decreases frustration and helps them understand you are on top of the situation. They don’t call or contact support to report the issue. They know that you know and that you are working on it.

It is Independent of Your Infrastructure

For your status page, use a different infrastructure provider than that of your main application. There are many to choose from.

Your status page doesn’t go down when the rest of your infrastructure has issues. Amazon Web Services does your hosting, but you host your status page elsewhere. In the unlikely event of Amazon going offline completely, your status page is still up, doing its thing – communicating with your users. It reduces support calls and helps alleviate frustration all around. It builds trust. Your status page rocks.

It is Updated Reliably

You promptly update your status page when service is interrupted. You use pre-established procedures so you are consistent and clear in your communication. As a result, you look good in the middle of a potentially ugly situation. Your status page is updated by humans who are augmented by automated monitoring. Instead of flapping up and down with variations in ping times, it reliably displays the current status of each component. Users understand what’s going on, they appreciate you, and they leave you to work on the issue.

When the situation is resolved, you again update your status page. Users appreciate this, they appreciate you. Your users are loyal because they know even when things get rough, you are going to let them know what’s going on.

You, my friend, have an awesome status page.

StatusGator Eats Support Tickets for Lunch

Our product, StatusGator, monitors more than 2,800 status pages from cloud services around the world. We aggregate the status of all the services you care about into an easy-to-use dashboard and send you notices when those services post downtime. By monitoring the status pages of the services you use, you can keep on top of potential issues that will affect your own product and update your own status page accordingly. When comparing features and pricing, you will see that StatusGator ticks all the checkboxes among other providers.

Give StatusGator a try with our 14-day free trial. Then, let us know what you think and how we can help you improve transparency and accountability.

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