Infura Project Sharing icon
Infura Project Sharing icon

Is Infura Project Sharing down?
Infura Project Sharing is UP

Last checked from Infura Project Sharing official status page 1 min. 14 sec. ago

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Infura Project Sharing service health

This chart represents Infura Project Sharing service health over the last 24 hours, with data points collected every 15 minutes based on issue reports, page visits, and signal strength. Sign up for free to see more Infura Project Sharing status data.

Service is up
Potential issue
Likely issue

Top reported issues

View and upvote the most commonly reported issues to help us better indicate the service status.

  • Connectivity issue
  • Error message
  • Server not responding
  • Sign in problem
  • Service down
  • Slow performance
  • Unable to download
  • App not loading
  • Other

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Infura Project Sharing status history

We've been monitoring Infura Project Sharing outages since January 20, 2022. Here's the history of service outages we've observed from the Infura Project Sharing Status Page

60 days ago Today

Recent Infura Project Sharing outages and issues

Follow the recent outages and downtime for Infura Project Sharing in the table below.

Incident Name Duration Started Severity
Planned Maintenance
maintenance icon Maint
Planned Maintenance
maintenance icon Maint
Investigating Optimism Goerli API
496d 18h 49m
warn icon Warn
Project Sharing Degraded Performance
warn icon Warn
Investigating Optimism Goerli API
1d 21h 5m
warn icon Warn

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About our Infura Project Sharing status page integration

Infura Project Sharing is a Cryptocurrency solution that StatusGator has been monitoring since January 2022. Over the past almost 3 years, we have collected data on on more than 788 outages that affected Infura Project Sharing users. When Infura Project Sharing publishes downtime on their status page, they do so across 112 components and 21 groups using 4 different statuses: up, warn, down, and maintenance which we use to provide granular uptime metrics and notifications.

Many StatusGator users monitor Infura Project Sharing to get notified when it's down, is under maintenance, or has an outage. This makes it one of the most popular cryptocurrency services monitored on our platform. We've sent more than 200 notifications to our users about Infura Project Sharing incidents, providing transparency and peace of mind. You can get alerts by signing up for a free StatusGator account.

  • Down Notifications

    If Infura Project Sharing is having system outages or experiencing other critical issues, red down notifications appear on the status page. In most cases, it means that core functions are not working properly, or there is some other serious customer-impacting event underway.

  • Warning Notifications

    Warn notifications are used when Infura Project Sharing is undergoing a non-critical issue like minor service issues, performance degradation, non-core bugs, capacity issues, or problems affecting a small number of users.

  • Maintenance Notifications

    Infura Project Sharing posts separate notifications for planned maintenance work. StatusGator will notify subscribers when Infura Project Sharing enters a pre-planned maintenance window, keeping you up to date.

  • Status Messages

    When Infura Project Sharing posts issues on their status page, we collect the main headline message and include that brief information or overview in notifications to StatusGator subscribers.

  • Status Details

    When Infura Project Sharing has outages or other service-impacting events on their status page, we pull down the detailed informational updates and include them in notifications. These messages often include the current details about how the problem is being mitigated, or when the next update will occur.

  • Component Status Filtering

    Because Infura Project Sharing has several components, each with their individual statuses, StatusGator can differentiate the status of each component in our notifications to you. This means, you can filter your status page notifications based on the services, regions, or components you utilize. This is an essential feature for complex services with many components or services spread out across many regions.

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