Status Pages (Dashboards) Now Automatically Refresh!

Many customers have requested that StatusGator’s customizable, brandable, aggregated status pages automatically refresh. Well, your auto-refreshing dreams have just come true because StatusGator status pages now update every 5 minutes automatically!

Each status page will now refresh every 300 seconds, otherwise known as 5 minutes, automatically. And, of course, you can still refresh your browser yourself to get the latest content.

StatusGator aggregated status dashboards now auto-refresh every 5 minutes. The dashboard aggregates the status of all the cloud services you depend on.
StatusGator aggregated status dashboards now auto-refresh every 5 minutes.

In addition to the browser reload, here are some helpful tips about how often StatusGator updates:

  • Each status page is checked approximately every 5 minutes. In practice there is some variation, so expect every 4 to 6 minutes.
  • Our API endpoints (available on our Team and Corporate plans) always return the latest data we have, immediately after it’s been collected from the public status pages.
  • StatusGator aggregated status pages are cached at the edge cache CDN for 60 seconds. That means there can be a maximum delay of 1 minute between the time StatusGator updates the status data and it displays on your public status pages.

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